Cake Stand Bakery

865 Mountbatten Road #B1-126 Katong Shopping Centre

블루베리라면 환장하는 나에게 친구가 블루베리 케이크가 짱짱맨이라고 알려준 Cake Stand에 갔다.
Pamela brought me to a bakery where has very nice blueberry cake. Since I LOVE blueberry, I was so excited! 

카통쇼핑센터 지하1층에(건물 밖) 위치해 있는데 친구랑 같이 가지 않았으면 못찾을 정도로 빵집이 작다. 
It is located at B1 of katong shopping mall(outside of the building), the bakery was so small that I would not see it if Pamela didn't point to the shop.

첫날은 슬라이스 되어있는 블루베리 케이크 3개를 구입해서 그날 바로 흡입하고, 이틀 뒤엔 친구가 남긴 케이크를 몽땅 해치웠다.
I bought 3 slices of blueberry cake and ate them all that day, two days later I finished Pamela's leftover!

그 다음주에 친구에게 부탁해서 또 구입하려고 했는데 그 날은 블루베리케이크가 없어서 대신 바나나케이크!
바나나케이크가 블루베리보다 훨-씬 맛있었다!

The next week, I asked Pamela to help me to buy blueberry cake again but the bakery had only banana cake that day. I wanted to try banana one so bought a few slices.. and.. it was way more delicious than blueberry cake!! now I came back to Korea and sometimes I miss both blueberry and banana cakes  A LOT! haha

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I love photography, travel and playing guitar. Native Korean, can speak English and very basic Mandarin. I do blog in Korean and English.

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