My second blog

Even though I created blogger account long time ago, I didn't really use it because I already had Naver blog and was quite satisfied with it. The main reason why I started blog at first was for collecting the information I need and arranging them for myself to see easily. So I have put just 'info' such as guitar chords, photos or some tips for people living abroad or something which are quite objective and can be found on some other blogs too. 

Recently, I started to put 'my story' rather than 'just info' on my Naver blog but suddenly I came up with one problem; I have filled my blog with all those information and I have quite number of people visiting. The thing is they might not be interested in reading my story but just want to find the info they were looking for. They probably found my blog by searching 'Someone like you guitar chords', not 'daily blog' or something. So I wanted to have a new blog where I can fill it with my story from the beginning and share it with new people who are interested in reading it. That's how I started my second blog!

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내 사진
I love photography, travel and playing guitar. Native Korean, can speak English and very basic Mandarin. I do blog in Korean and English.

Flickr Photostream
